Liston hills Uncategorized

School me p3 (page 9)


He finishes off his warm whiskey, “Don’t get me wrong I’m not complaining. Hell, cut me in, not like I have a choice but if the choice was there. Pick me, It’s just that this shit is going to bite us in the ass and I’m going to be the one cleaning this fucking mess up.”
“True, but there is no way we can tell Dainy the truth, right now she is already living with a weight on her shoulder.” I say 
“We are living with problems Sabastian, between you and mine that is enough to give a normal man a stroke.”

“Yes, but we not normal, we are born from lies, I myself have spun my own web, it’s already strengthened with the amount I have told.” I say this as my eyes go to my fingers on the armrest staring at the my family Crest, my namesake, the Delroy ring.
“We are destined to be like the men before us, aren’t we.” Dexter’s statement sounds like he is talking about prison time. And maybe the Guy’s father just worked for my dad but Kent and I are friends. We grew up together. Not meaning that I would be calling him my best mate but the guy certainly has the potential.
“Destined? No, I think the word is expected. Can’t leave the world to be run by arrogant asses who don’t know the difference between borrow and lend. Plus you gonna love looking for those shit pieces my dad collects. Trust me.” 


Author Shan R.K Uncategorized

Secrets p1 

We all have our secrets….

I wanted to share this with you guys as I told a lot of lies myself recently in order to keep a few of my own secrets.

Let me just say I swapped my heels for boots and pretended angels could fly. To say it didn’t end well… Is a long story I am never confessing.

Part two of this dark poem will be out tomorrow after the new page of school me p3