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Word of thought

Recently I have acquired myself a collection of non fiction books about self growth, worth and learning to let go. 

I have read prose, poetry and compilation of compositions from Esteemed authors in the field. 

I feel I shouldn’t mention names. 

With that said I am a curious mind, most of us are. We thinkers and actors. Seeking knowledge to gain some direction. 

Yesterday I was three quarter way through one of these books when I shut it. 
And I would like to say something to all my subscribers and to all of you bloggers or even other people who come across this post. 

You are an individual, you are your own person. 

The only guidance you need is yourself, the only person that can make you happy, or feel better is you.

You can heal yourself from emotional problems. 

You don’t need a book, or a twenty minute inspirational speech to tell you that you can achieve your ambitions. 

How good you are at something is not how good you can be. Unless you are the perfected version of yourself , then you will have the will, the drive to succeed to keep moving. 

Your strength lays in weight within you. And I mean weight not wait, because it gets heavy just sitting there, waiting for you to understand that your world is only as good as your mindset. 

Next time you have a few minutes to yourself go to your mirror , look at yourself and say that I am strong, I am powerful , I will find a way. Because I can tell you all as the sun shines in the morning and sets in the evening time is not waiting on you. You need to use those moments to pave your future you want now!!! Stop waiting , stop doubting ,stop wasting your time. This is your year, your month , your days, your hours. Spend it doing what you want to do. 

Months ago I made decisions for myself ,I took my independence, I took my mind back, I took those things that someone tried to steal from me. Because it was those months ago that I realised that my choices, my life was my own. Take yours. Be your happiness, be your ambition and be your perfect 

By Shan R.K

Shan R.K is an internationally acclaimed author, known for her captivating works including Capo Dei Capi, Union of Death, and Beauty's Breath. With a passion for storytelling that started at the young age of nine, Shan has published over 20 books spanning across 8 different genres. From webnovels to dreame, Shan is a versatile writer whose works have captivated audiences worldwide.

At 26, Shan made her debut with the novel House of Legions, which marked the beginning of her journey as a published author. With each book she writes, Shan strives to take her readers on a journey of discovery, exploring new worlds and characters that are as diverse as they are intriguing.

When not writing, Shan leads a quiet life with her family, who she describes as 'not so fury.' Her ultimate goal is to become a best-selling author across all genres, and she continues to work tirelessly to achieve this.

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