Author Shan R.K Kylie Bray Kylie Bray (Love Hate and Billions 1) Uncategorized

Kylie Bray teaser

Vincent Stone wasn’t just my obsession he was my addiction and I Kylie Bray wasn’t just his stepsister I was nuisance until the outfit kidnapped me.


Liston hills

School me p3 (page 32)


My phone beeps with a message and I turn on my back and slip it out of my pocket. The phone doesn’t budge from the said pocket.

“Need help with that?.” Mason asks, and I can’t help myself when

I start laughing, “That is the lamest, yet most fitting ‘Can I take your panties off’ pickup line I have heard to date and believe me

I have heard my fair quota.” I say all this while I wiggle my phone out of it’s snug hole, with my butt slightly lifted from the carpet.

He laughs and I have the most goofiest smile on my face as I pull my Iphone free. My eyes drop to the screen. My mood taking a nose dive when I see it is a text from my mother.

‘Don’t think i’d be home tonight. GSTD.’ GSTD. It isn’t the fact that my mother didn’t even say hi or offered a smiley face as mothers do. It was the letters GSTD.

“Hey Liz you okay?” I fling my phone on the sofa beside me as I hear Mason talk.

“My dad used to send me messages when I was on break at school. He always asked me what I was doing. Believe it or not but me and friends never lasted,, my dad knew and he always tried to make up for it. When ever I asked him what he was doing he’d reply GSTD, Got Shit to do. He said that my mother taught him that one, he said it always cracked him up. Today was the first time I have seen those alphabets in a text since he died.”

“I’m sorry about your dad.”

“Yea me too.”

“Since I got here , I cant stop wondering if my mother had anything to do with it.” I wouldn’t put it past her. She always had a knack for being in the wrong place, but so did my dad.

I need to come to terms with that if I am going to find any answers, he was never a straight line lawyer. He liked meddling in things that he shouldn’t. I mean he did after all marry my mother.

“Ok, where is your head at?” Mason asks me with a really charming smile. He has this square, very Masculine face and it isn’t the first time and I doubt it would be the last that my stomach flutters.

” Nothing of importance, did Dexter tell you what time you coming” I say abruptly, twisting this no verbal conversation to where it needs to go. An actual conversation.

“Yep, another hour. I wanted to talk to you before everything got so serious.” He says.

My eyes shoot up to his and he practically melts my insides when he winks. I don’t hide my blush as I drop my gaze to the carpet. It is a shame that Mason Bray is such a manwhore or else I would so get in there.

My phone beeps with a message and I turn on my back and slip it out of my pocket. The phone doesn’t budge from the said pocket.

“Need help with that?.” Mason asks, and I can’t help myself when I start laughing, “That is the lamest, yet most fitting ‘Can I take your panties off’ pickup line I have heard to date and believe me I have heard my fair quota.” I say all this while I wiggle my phone out of it’s snug hole, with my butt slightly lifted from the carpet.

He laughs and I have the most goofiest smile on my face as I pull my Iphone free. My eyes drop to the screen. My mood taking a nose dive when I see it is a text from my mother.

‘Don’t think i’d be home tonight. GSTD.’ GSTD. It isn’t the fact that my mother didn’t even say hi or offered a smiley face as mothers do. It was the letters GSTD.

“Hey Liz you okay?” I fling my phone on the sofa beside me as I hear Mason talk.

“My dad used to send me messages when I was on break at school. He always asked me what I was doing. Believe it or not but me and friends never lasted,, my dad knew and he always tried to make up for it. When ever I asked him what he was doing he’d reply GSTD, Got Shit to do. He said that my mother taught him that one, he said it always cracked him up. Today was the first time I have seen those alphabets in a text since he died.”

“I’m sorry about your dad.”

“Yea me too.”

“Since I got here , I cant stop wondering if my mother had anything to do with it.” I wouldn’t put it past her. She always had a knack for being in the wrong place, but so did my dad.

I need to come to terms with that if I am going to find any answers, he was never a straight line lawyer. He liked meddling in things that he shouldn’t. I mean he did after all marry my mother.

“Ok, where is your head at?” Mason asks me with a really charming smile. He has this square, very Masculine face and it isn’t the first time and I doubt it would be the last that my stomach flutters.

” Nothing of importance, did Dexter tell you what time you coming” I say abruptly, twisting this no verbal conversation to where it needs to go. An actual conversation.

“Yep, another hour. I wanted to talk to you before everything got so serious.” He says.

My eyes shoot up to his and he practically melts my insides when he winks. I don’t hide my blush as I drop my gaze to the carpet. It is a shame that Mason Bray is such a manwhore or else I would so get in there.

Hey to all the newbies.😊😁 As you guys have noticed I have posted longer pages these past few days. The season needs to to come to an end. I am going to be doing some major vamps on my website abd with the blog to make it better. It is all exciting stuff.

Any suggestions please email me on

Liston hills

School me p3 (page 27)


“Tad Presley, hmmmm, now what do I owe the pleasure of today?” The sarcasm is thick in my voice as the handsome richly dark skinned Billionaire playboy sits next to me on the cemented seating.

The guy is a critically important jackass at our prestigious school. He is on the lacrosse team because apparently ‘dum fool’s’ Play football but a real man plays lacrosse.

He is an egotistical rich boy. A cliché if I am speaking from the world’s point of view.

His dad was an engine specialist for Lamborghini until he developed his own engine with parts and all. Now they use it in NASCAR and other major races. He is also the newest man whore since my boyfriend changed his status from playboy to taken.

“I’m inviting you and loverboy to my house this Friday,” Tad says as he snatches my juice box from my tray and puts his chino covered leg on the table not too far from my food.

“Can’t, Reagan has a game.”

“The game is Saturday Dainy, besides I was talking about Delroy, Reagan is like a bull and everyone else is waving a red flag his way, did you hear about his and Delroy’s punching match? Heard Delroy won.”

He shoves the straw in my juice box and lifts it to his mouth. I get up fast and snatch my juice box back and suck the mango goodness down as I stare at Tad.

My smile is as false as my words when I tap his face with my finger and say , “And I heard Rita and Wendy got an s t d after a night with you. Now I could choose to believe these rumors or I could be a good Christian and remind myself it ain’t any of my business.”

His face tightens in anger and that is when I laugh and sit back down, “Now, back to that party, Of course, I would love to come to your party.”

A big hello 🙋 and welcome to all our new subscribers 🙆 and for those who need to catch up school me part 1 and 2 can be found on my amazon site –

Author Shan R.K

Faces of you (my first poetry book)

So I am busy with the cover for my poetry book. Editing Zero (I know it is taking forever) and Editing Prince of Souls.

A lot going on.

I was talking to my grandma today. She asked me what have I done lately so I got down to the talking and explaining different parts of my life.

She then asked me about my day. How do I manage it all in one day. So I answered nonchalantly

However, it really got me thinking on how much I really do and how do I do it….

So I wondered about other people’s lives and did some research.

But just out of curiosity…. What does your day consist??? I would love to hear about it.

#books Liston hills

School me p3 (page 16)

“Yes, I would shake your hand but as you can see.” He tilts his head referring to his look alike that has her arms wrapped tightly around his neck. 

“Is she your sister?” It’s the dumbest question I could ask. Come on, they are practically identical, same green eyes, same blond hair, same complexion even their face is shaped a like except hers is much younger. But point made, dumb question. He doesn’t answer me, he does however take a step away from the door to allow me to step inside. 
When I do, it is like I am taken back to the 1600’s. I feel like I am under dressed with my ripped jeans and David Harley sweat shirt I am wearing. Not to mention my old sneakers that has well passed seen its expiration date. I can’t throw them out, I should but my dad got it for me two years ago. And if he was alive I would’ve tossed them out but now he so not alive. 
“Would you like something to drink? Or better yet let’s just go sit in the kitchen.” He doesn’t wait for me to respond as he walks effortlessly with the giggling little girl still attached to him down a long and wide wooden floored passage way. I rush behind him, my sling leather bag hitting my thigh as I do so. We round another corner going down a long corridor before we make a right and pass down the photo room filled with probably thousands of photos framed on the wall. We take a few steps down then turn left. 
“This place is like me a maze.” The awe in my voice doesn’t go unnoticed by Dexter who chuckles and takes another right in front of me.
“It’s fun, Decky needs exercise. “ She giggles after she’s done talking and I don’t stop the big goofy grin on my face from making an appearance as we finally make it to the kitchen which is something from the movies, dark oak doors, silver fridges, dark oak counters with a tinge of white here and there, “Wow, this place is nice.” 
Dexter slip his sister off his shoulder and she instantly runs to the freezer on the other end of the kitchen and pulls out a tub of ice cream.

Comments and suggestions can be sent to and 😎 Happy Friday to everybody. 

Author Shan R.K Liston hills Uncategorized

School me p3 (page 14)


Listen , speak , learn, that is what I have done today. I listened to my stupid coach screaming in my ear as I did !y drills. I spoke when I needed to and I learned, I learned that I was actually sick and fucking tired of this asshole. He has had my ass since last week. Not sure what is up the guys ally. But when I got home today, I decided fuck it. It is Saturday evening. I should be out and today it is exactly what I am doing
The Delroys are hosting a dinner party tonight, and my dad was in no way going to make it with the important deal he has going on in Toronto tonight, so it ended up on me. 
I step in front of the long length cupboard mirror. My bow tie hanging loosely around my shirt collar. Buttoning up my shirt I look at the scratches Dainy left Thursday evening. It never ceases to amaze me how wild and crazy she gets sometime. 
In fact the other day she left me speechless when she walked into my bedroom with nothing but a red tiny piece of material covering her snatch. Her hair was curled to the side, and she had this deep red lipstick painting her lips. 
Just thinking about now has me going hard. And there is nothing I can do about it right now, as my girlfriend decided to spend her time with Kylie. Which is weird because from my knowledge Kylie hasn’t been taking visitors. 
But what do I know. Recently things with Rainy is going great. I never looked at myself as a one woman man until I ended up in Dainy’s bed. 
Then I was thinking how I messed up, but now as I tie my bow and grab my black tux jacket , I can honestly say thank fuck I did go steady with Dainy, if I didn’t I am sure Sabastian would have her all wrapped up in him by now. 
I see the way he looks at my girl, I haven’t said a thing about yet. So far he hasn’t made any plays and I can’t fault the guy for wanting her back, I mean look at her. But Dainy is mine and I am glad she isn’t coming with me tonight. Tonight is the time Sebastian Delroy and I settle somethings.

Welcome to all the new subscribers , I am so happy that you guys have join our Liston Hills series. 😊😀

For those of you who have just started following the Liston Hills series, School p1 and p2 can be found on Amazon and other retail stores. 😊 

Author Shan R.K Kylie Bray Kylie Bray (Love Hate and Billions 1) Uncategorized

Kylie Bray is LIVE 

He was a made man and I was his muse

Get it here : – Amazon

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There will be more places in a few days,including kobo, B&N , Lulu, Ibooks and a few more. The paperback with be exclusive to Amazon from Tuesday next week. Please share this post and let me know what you thought about the book. 

NB. School me will continue from Monday to Friday next week. And I will be releasing Dexter’s first novella. He will have his own adventures. 

Enjoy your Saturday 😊


Kylie Bray release and behind the scenes 

Kylie Bray will be released next week and while I , myself am very excited to share this story I will be blogging with a behind the scenes and thoughts writing this piece. 
I have changed this book five times and I have delayed it just as many and the time has never felt write to publish and I kept publishing other work.
Unlike my other books Kylie Bray is a reflection of me, it is an emotional struggle of addiction, a certain type of addiction that psychologists won’t be able to explain. But many suffer it in silence. 
And this book is dedicated to these people, and those of you who suffer in constant rejection and inner weakness for loving people who will never love you back. 
It is dedicated to people who find themselves in love with bad people that do bad things. It is dedicated to those who don’t know how it feels for a man to wrap his arms from behind while you standing in the TV room and whisper sweet nothing in your ear. 

This book is dedicated to all those men who don’t know how to love, men who don’t know how to show affection. To all those men misunderstood. I dedicate Kylie Bray to all of these people.

A strong mind is just as beautiful as a Sharp face ….. Michael Stone 

Author Shan R.K Newsletters Uncategorized

Word of thought

Recently I have acquired myself a collection of non fiction books about self growth, worth and learning to let go. 

I have read prose, poetry and compilation of compositions from Esteemed authors in the field. 

I feel I shouldn’t mention names. 

With that said I am a curious mind, most of us are. We thinkers and actors. Seeking knowledge to gain some direction. 

Yesterday I was three quarter way through one of these books when I shut it. 
And I would like to say something to all my subscribers and to all of you bloggers or even other people who come across this post. 

You are an individual, you are your own person. 

The only guidance you need is yourself, the only person that can make you happy, or feel better is you.

You can heal yourself from emotional problems. 

You don’t need a book, or a twenty minute inspirational speech to tell you that you can achieve your ambitions. 

How good you are at something is not how good you can be. Unless you are the perfected version of yourself , then you will have the will, the drive to succeed to keep moving. 

Your strength lays in weight within you. And I mean weight not wait, because it gets heavy just sitting there, waiting for you to understand that your world is only as good as your mindset. 

Next time you have a few minutes to yourself go to your mirror , look at yourself and say that I am strong, I am powerful , I will find a way. Because I can tell you all as the sun shines in the morning and sets in the evening time is not waiting on you. You need to use those moments to pave your future you want now!!! Stop waiting , stop doubting ,stop wasting your time. This is your year, your month , your days, your hours. Spend it doing what you want to do. 

Months ago I made decisions for myself ,I took my independence, I took my mind back, I took those things that someone tried to steal from me. Because it was those months ago that I realised that my choices, my life was my own. Take yours. Be your happiness, be your ambition and be your perfect