#blogs Author Shan R.K Blogs The Sovereign Creation The story behind the story The Valor of Masks and Fury

The Sovereign Creation Part 2

Hello amazing people. How was your Monday? Did you guys miss me? I’m sure you did.

Last week as many might have noticed, I had a small issue with my website. I was blogging from Jetpack. But I notice the posts come out so small I need a binoculars to read a word. Then the entire thing just went blank. It took me a while but I switched back to wordpress, gotta love the good ole’ ones right?

My glasses also don’t help matters, and obviously my new book was just released. Which meant days of sleepless nights.

Writing I assure you isn’t just writing. Add in mom duties, wife duties, our fish having babies, and the snail in my study also magically having babies, then kids first dance, and one can imagine catastrophe after catastrophe keeps happening. But luckily I am here now, sitting at my desk in my PJ’s. And no, I am not having any babies of my own.

Lets begin, shall we.

When it comes to world building I find it needs to be handled as one would the making of a movie, or project. From the ground- up

World building requires our full attention. So to build Sawan, I decided to give it exactly that and a bit more. I managed to nab a lot more pictures for my illegal secret book (I don’t own any of these pictures at all). And got my hands on some lovely stationery to help with the project.


To create a world, as unique as Sawan we have to build it from the ground up, which means Sawan needs history. A back story that we’ll bring in as the story evolves. And that is where your notes would need to begin.

Some questions I asked myself

1. When is the this world created?

2. What is their belief systems?

3. What is different about it from earth?

4. Species?

5. How is our own mythology linked? (if at all)

6. Who is the Superior race?

7. What year is the story set in?

8. How good is their tech?

9 . Is magic something of importance?

10. Is there a war? Do you want to have a war?

11. Who are the main characters?

The history behind Sawan.

What I have a habit of doing I noticed very early on writing the first 5 chapters, was I tend to overcrowd explanations in the beginning which I did last week in the first set I did. So I rewrote it, obviously. I added a bit more dialogue and tried to really feel Mission. Tap into her psych. Which is what I do (Author here)

Read this version and tell me what you guys think.

I scowl at the scripture engraved in Mosraic. The ancient language of Ethereals, glaring at me on the top of the 60 meter tall warded mirror as hundreds of Sovereign enter the obscenely over the top Citadel which served as Sawan Sovereign Academy.

I didn’t particularly enjoy the language but like everyone here, it was forced on me at the age of 5.

At least I’ll be reaching bending soon, well almost. Wyland and I are turning 20 tomorrow, so we’ll reach bending stuck in this place, surrounded by Ethereals, Sprites and humans.

I don’t know when it’ll kick in, but I hope I have someone who is willing to bend with me.

Neither of us had much time to even think about it. But since we are stuck here for the next 5 billion years, we’ll have tons of time to figure it out.

“I can still smell the icky fish smell on my uniform.” My face scrunches as I take a whiff at my blue old uniform. Part of our requirements for today, was to come dressed in our previous Academy uniforms for registration. The booklet said it was part of our ‘transition.’

“The Voxil was more rancid than usual, we’ll probably need a splash of lotus oil to get rid of it.” My brother scans our surroundings with an unreadable expression on his stern face. His golden features almost blends in with the warm glow from the suns above.

“I didn’t bring lotus oil,” I murmur.

“I’m sure they’ll have some little one. Now, hurry up. I don’t want to get stuck in the back row. The 3rd Valors always pick on the 1st who stand at the back.” My brother keeps his head to the front of him, no doubt looking at potential allies.

This morning was a rush, we mixed up our registration dates by a week- so naturally getting a human to get us here in a short period of time wasn’t going to be possible, since the human planes would take double the time it would take a Voxil and cost double the payment too.

I shudder just thinking about how that giant jelly fish sucked me up this morning. I can see why our parents didn’t want me to leave Broah unless we could get a human to transport us. Moon goddess forbid, one of the Ethereal ever offer. I would decline naturally, but still, they offered it to the Sprites, why not us?

Voxil’s only asked Runics for Lumination, and a drop of it could keep them fed for a week. Since Runics owned the Lumins River, the Lumination wasn’t much of a price to pay since we made it from our Luminah.

Hence why most Runics preferred Voxils to transport them. Good thing too, because it meant the Voxils made sure to stay close to Broah because of it. Today it was a good thing.

To me- Taking a Voxil to get here was disgusting. I travelled in them before but the one today, he reeked like putrid fish sticks.

“Why are you worried about them? You can easily take any of them on if they bully you.”

“I’m not.”

“Then why are you rushing?”

He turns to face me this time, and his hand goes to my Velcro navy blue jacket fitted to me like a glove. He pulls the top part closer together before using the air to close it. I flush as my brother wrinkles his nose, no doubt getting a good whiff.

“You’re right, you stink.” He grimaces, when my Luminah on my cheeks turns a dull blue.

I role my eyes, grabbing my living ball from my pocket. If only I could pull it out and grab my beans right about now and maybe even a bottle of water. I could wash up somewhere.

The only place to wash up is unfortunately through that door. I wasn’t quite ready to get through it yet. It just felt like I was stepping into this unknown place which is exactly what this place is – Unknown.  

“I want to check the racing board before we have to go to the Glass Hall. Casette said the boards are on the third level. So it should take me at least 30 minutes to get there and back.”

I should remind my brother, that we aren’t allowed to go to the 3rd level until we get our Valor passes, and our house names. But what sister will I be if I do that? A good one? Kind, nice. Yeah, I’m none of those.

I ended up finishing the entire 5 chapters which is now ready to go to my amazing Audio Narrator Dhalia Dark. Her voice is Amazing and start from the 1st of March The Valor of Masks and Fury will be live and streaming on all major podcast places as well as Amazon and Youtube. It will be 100% free and obviously I will be adding the book for sale after part one is completed.

For now, please look at my horrible photo of my snail who just had babies. And enjoy the rest of your Tuesday.

Tomorrow on Sneak peak Wednesday, I thought I would use it to show you a few scenes from The Valor of Masks and Fury and my soon to be released new book Oh, how you sway me. (I love the name) I can’t help gettting butterflies when i hear it.

For Authors who want a deeper look into world building you may contact me on

To all of you guys, be great, stay amazing and enjoy.