Author Shan R.K

Liston Hills

Author Shan R.K Liston hills Uncategorized

School me p3 (page 14)


Listen , speak , learn, that is what I have done today. I listened to my stupid coach screaming in my ear as I did !y drills. I spoke when I needed to and I learned, I learned that I was actually sick and fucking tired of this asshole. He has had my ass since last week. Not sure what is up the guys ally. But when I got home today, I decided fuck it. It is Saturday evening. I should be out and today it is exactly what I am doing
The Delroys are hosting a dinner party tonight, and my dad was in no way going to make it with the important deal he has going on in Toronto tonight, so it ended up on me. 
I step in front of the long length cupboard mirror. My bow tie hanging loosely around my shirt collar. Buttoning up my shirt I look at the scratches Dainy left Thursday evening. It never ceases to amaze me how wild and crazy she gets sometime. 
In fact the other day she left me speechless when she walked into my bedroom with nothing but a red tiny piece of material covering her snatch. Her hair was curled to the side, and she had this deep red lipstick painting her lips. 
Just thinking about now has me going hard. And there is nothing I can do about it right now, as my girlfriend decided to spend her time with Kylie. Which is weird because from my knowledge Kylie hasn’t been taking visitors. 
But what do I know. Recently things with Rainy is going great. I never looked at myself as a one woman man until I ended up in Dainy’s bed. 
Then I was thinking how I messed up, but now as I tie my bow and grab my black tux jacket , I can honestly say thank fuck I did go steady with Dainy, if I didn’t I am sure Sabastian would have her all wrapped up in him by now. 
I see the way he looks at my girl, I haven’t said a thing about yet. So far he hasn’t made any plays and I can’t fault the guy for wanting her back, I mean look at her. But Dainy is mine and I am glad she isn’t coming with me tonight. Tonight is the time Sebastian Delroy and I settle somethings.

Welcome to all the new subscribers , I am so happy that you guys have join our Liston Hills series. 😊😀

For those of you who have just started following the Liston Hills series, School p1 and p2 can be found on Amazon and other retail stores. 😊 

Author Shan R.K Liston hills Uncategorized

School me p3 (page 12)


“Book me a flight.” I say, just as I finish off the last of my dinner.
“Why can’t you take the jet.” Because if our father finds out I left the house after he grounded me he is going to fuck me up. I think it, but I don’t tell Kylie that instead I bellow

“Fuck no, book me a damn flight, I’m on my way to the airport.” 

“Then make tracks, I’ll send you the confirmation. “ She snaps back in that bossy tone of hers.

“Yeah, yeah. Later.” The phone goes dead on my ear, which is a normal with my sister. 

When Kylie was younger, my sister Natasha and I had just moved in permanently with my dad. My mom died not long after that, and Kylie’s mother upped and left. One would expect our circumstances to have brought us closer but it didn’t. 
Kylie preferred to spend her days with my father. Most of the time they would fly to Washington and spend weekends at my dads penthouse. While Natasha stayed with Lisa, my dad’s sister here at the house. I was a lost eight year old with nothing to do and no one to talk to so I got bored and purchased myself a pair of binoculars from the local mall. Best thing I ever did. The same day I bought it was the same day I met Dexter. Turned out he stayed three houses away from me. Turned out he didn’t have a mother. Turned out he was just as eager to spy on the locals as I was. 
It turned out a lot of things we thought and did were similar. Which is why him and I became so close. I get up off the breakfast nook, grab my phone, walking toward the long spiral staircase I run up three flights of stairs, then speed dial Dexter.
It rings three times, “Hey, hey motherfucker.” He yells from the other end of the line.

“Jackass, how did the meeting with Sabastian go?” I ask him as I take the long hall toward the packing closets where Kendra, our housekeeper leaves the travelling bags.
“Some dude is threatening Sabastian by threatening Dainy. Got to do some digging, you up for it?” That is the thing about Dexter and I nobody knows. We are worse than women , we tell each other everything and also help one another. 

Most of the time I am the one who helps him. After his dad died he inherited his family fortune as well as his families debt that was only payable in time. 

And I meant time as in his obedience to be Delroys dirt cleaner and genie. Whatever the Delroys needed they would get it from Dexter. For the rest of his life he would have to work for the Delroys. Doing all their dirty work, cleaning up all their messes, finding all of their fucked shit art pieces they were so keen on collecting. It was a fucked up gig if you ask me, but blood is blood, we inherit the money and name we got to inherit the shit that come with it too.
“Yeah, but I called to cancel for tonight, Kylie offered me her bike if I babysit Dainy Hallow for the weekend, we need the bike.”

Any comments and suggestions need to be sent via email :-

And a big welcome to all our new subscribers.

If you guys wish to catch up from season one and two please good school me part 1 😊 or school me p2 

Author Shan R.K

School me p3 (page 11)


“If you didn’t want to do it, why agree?” I ask my eldest sister, Kylie who is on the end of the phone I currently place down, putting on speaker. I sit my denim covered ass on the breakfast nook eating my double cheese burger I ordered an hour ago. It tastes like shit. Not as shitty as my life but close.
“I never said I didn’t, nobody besides the family knows Diamonds gone, Dainy ain’t stupid, she already suspects something is up. I shouldn’t have used Diamond as an excuse to get her over here in the first place..” Kylie retorts. 
My sister and I are not as close as she is with the Stones, and recently she isn’t even close to them. But we do share a common gene, we are both Marcus Bray’s children. We don’t need to be close to count on one another. Diamond , her best friend since second grade and my foster sister since my dad decided to take custody of Diamond, recently left to some unknown government location. My dad was the one to inform me of this little bit of news a few days back. 

Like always I had nothing to say about it, Diamond was crazy but cool. She stayed with us practically every weekend but the thing is our house is four floors high, with seventeen bedrooms. Much bigger and grandeur in comparison to The Estate. My room is on the far left, away from everybody besides my father. So unless I was actually in the same space as Diamond I hardly spoke to her. But she was for all intent and purposes part of our family and I did feel a tinge of sadness that she was gone, more so for Kylie.  
But I would never share that with my father or sisters. When it comes to my family as a whole I tend to stay out of it. I am the quiet one, preferring to stay out of drama. For this reason and many, I also prefer to spend my weekends faraway from here. 
“Ask someone else, I’m sure Reagan can do it, it’s his girl.” Lifting my burger, I take another big bite of my crappy burger. 
“One week Mason.” I sit up when I hear this. There is something Kylie has that I need for a  while, but my stingy sister has continuously said no. 
“It is two days Kylie, fourth eight hours with Dainy. “ 
“If I wasn’t so sure Papa is your daddy , now would be the time I am. Fine.” I hear the groan but i ain’t buying shit, this is my sister she is worse than me, 

“So?” I question my hard headed sister , 

“Two weeks Mason, you scratch my bike and it will be the last thing you scratch, now, what time are you coming?” I smile full on when I hear the words I have tried to get out of her for the last three months.

Comments and suggestions are always welcome – 

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To all the new subscribers😁 WELCOME, WELCOME,WELCOME

If any of you are new to the Liston Hills series part 1 & 2 can be found on Amazon by clicking this link … Shan R.K

Author Shan R.K Kylie Bray Kylie Bray (Love Hate and Billions 1) Uncategorized

Kylie Bray is LIVE 

He was a made man and I was his muse

Get it here : – Amazon

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There will be more places in a few days,including kobo, B&N , Lulu, Ibooks and a few more. The paperback with be exclusive to Amazon from Tuesday next week. Please share this post and let me know what you thought about the book. 

NB. School me will continue from Monday to Friday next week. And I will be releasing Dexter’s first novella. He will have his own adventures. 

Enjoy your Saturday 😊

Author Shan R.K Kylie Bray Kylie Bray (Love Hate and Billions 1) Uncategorized

Kylie Bray 

How far will one go for a person they love. When is enough??

Kylie Bray is live 😆😊

Let me know what you guys think…. Email :- 😀

Author Shan R.K Newsletters Uncategorized

Word of thought

Recently I have acquired myself a collection of non fiction books about self growth, worth and learning to let go. 

I have read prose, poetry and compilation of compositions from Esteemed authors in the field. 

I feel I shouldn’t mention names. 

With that said I am a curious mind, most of us are. We thinkers and actors. Seeking knowledge to gain some direction. 

Yesterday I was three quarter way through one of these books when I shut it. 
And I would like to say something to all my subscribers and to all of you bloggers or even other people who come across this post. 

You are an individual, you are your own person. 

The only guidance you need is yourself, the only person that can make you happy, or feel better is you.

You can heal yourself from emotional problems. 

You don’t need a book, or a twenty minute inspirational speech to tell you that you can achieve your ambitions. 

How good you are at something is not how good you can be. Unless you are the perfected version of yourself , then you will have the will, the drive to succeed to keep moving. 

Your strength lays in weight within you. And I mean weight not wait, because it gets heavy just sitting there, waiting for you to understand that your world is only as good as your mindset. 

Next time you have a few minutes to yourself go to your mirror , look at yourself and say that I am strong, I am powerful , I will find a way. Because I can tell you all as the sun shines in the morning and sets in the evening time is not waiting on you. You need to use those moments to pave your future you want now!!! Stop waiting , stop doubting ,stop wasting your time. This is your year, your month , your days, your hours. Spend it doing what you want to do. 

Months ago I made decisions for myself ,I took my independence, I took my mind back, I took those things that someone tried to steal from me. Because it was those months ago that I realised that my choices, my life was my own. Take yours. Be your happiness, be your ambition and be your perfect 

Author Shan R.K Uncategorized

Secrets p1 

We all have our secrets….

I wanted to share this with you guys as I told a lot of lies myself recently in order to keep a few of my own secrets.

Let me just say I swapped my heels for boots and pretended angels could fly. To say it didn’t end well… Is a long story I am never confessing.

Part two of this dark poem will be out tomorrow after the new page of school me p3 

Author Shan R.K Uncategorized

Dark persuasion (a five minute poem)

Author Shan R.K

Dark persuasion

Coldness take me, reel me in,

Frosted blood of the oldest sin, 

Retribution twists in this reign of night , 

Stars flicker in evils daylight. 

Still I’m numb, feeling nothing but the burn of the forbidden turn, 

I scream “noiseless silence , take me on , oh savior free me from my worst behavior.” 

Turning,twisting, a restless Commander as dark persuasion sweats in my honor. 

I close the door, 

when the past marks the floor, 

so treachery and secrets remain once more. 

Hells open and celebrated calls lifts my armour until its naked walls, 

Still I yell, screaming from my core “noiseless silence , take me on , oh savior free me from my worst behavior.” 

Restless voices , 

deadly stares, 

come to me like a haunting caress. 

Closing eyes, open wounds, 

I welcome the dark persuasion of these ruins, 

Earth crumbling, 

I understand the nightmares of a killing man. 

Deep , buried beneath the skin is dark persuasion and all its sin.